Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Archaic Sunlight

You can see the sun
its light penetrates, earth, traveling? miles.
reflecting the Glory of celestial objects
you can feel the sun
its rays warming every fiber
as its warmth peeks over the edge of
mountain peaks, every morning
effects are far reaching
you can even hear the sun
snow melting, water streaming
down foreign paths
who is blind to the sun?
none are outside its bounds
centered, the source of existence
the reason why you have every breath

Look Inside Yourself

Perseveration: Being stuck on one thing without the ability to realize you are stuck

Poem of the uncouth and degenerate
poem for the hard worker who's desolation "IS"
poems describing the word "is" for the unhopeful
tyrants, users, abusers, control freaks and the unhappy
here is a poem for you, your dedication
your life ambition, destroying others ambitions
your motive, selfish ambiguity and wasted interests
you doers of dirty deeds don't know what you want
you killers of infant dreams don't realize consequences
look inside yourself, you are not what you think
you are less, even less, more or less nothing
This is a poem for you, all those who need to,
realize, you are wrong, your decisions are NOT right
Look inside yourself and find out
not only who you are
but what you have become

Unleash Aversion

Choking while lying awake on a bed of nails

the smell of burning flesh arouses natural instinct

Restrained, without the ability to utter, heated words

heightened senses bring awareness of symbols, signs

communicating without words, eyes and hands speak

uncertain thoughts arouse objective ideas and clear the mind

hours seem like eternities, drudging towards, no end

No end, slavery, pain, complacency, anger, death

Walking through green fields, bare foot

you can feel the fertile damp soil on your feet

realities that no one sees, you feel are convincingly present

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Redundant eclecticism

Eclecticism is a conceptual approach that does not hold rigidly to a single paradigm or set of assumptions, but instead draws upon multiple theories, styles or ideas to gain complimentary insights into a subject.

Redundant Eclecticism therefore is characterized as something that continually occurs without holding rigidly to a single paradigm or set of assumptions, something that continually and repeatedly draws upon multiple theories, styles and ideas. Making it a continuance of gaining complimentary insights into a subject